Sector Specific Training
From Care of the Elderly in Dementia Settings to supporting people with Learning Disabilities or Mental Health conditions. Supported Living, Residential and both high a low risk units.
Training for Clinical and Non-Clinical Staff focusing on Conflict Management (CRT) and Managing Challenging Behaviours. With elements of Breakaway and Restrictive Interventions.
Training for Security Staff tailored to the environment, risks and team size. Bespoke Training delivered to Security Staff working in Hospitals, Nightclubs, Homeless Shelters, Events, Retail and Leisure.
We provide Training to a number of public bodies including Councils and Leisure Centres. Assertiveness, Restorative Practice and Lone Worker Safety are among the courses we deliver.
A range of health and medical courses ranging from Dysphagia Awareness to First Aid to Makaton, our Clinicians offer a range of different courses that may be relevant to a variety of sectors.