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Security Training for Hospital Settings

Working in a hospital is like no other setting. It is a conflict rich environment which naturally involves people from every walk of life. Providing security staff to hospitals is no easy task. Security staff operating in hospitals will encounter people in Mental Health crisis, people living with dementia or cognitive impairments and will need to have a broad understanding or the Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act.


The Trainers who designed and teach this course have previous and existing operational experience and frontline roles within hospital security management. We teach what we do.



All of our training focuses on prevention and pre-emption, understanding the individual and adopting a person-centred approach. We therefore put a lot of emphasis on identifying triggers in order to meet needs and reduce distress.

Team work and good planning and debriefing are vital in order to reduce the likelihood or impact should a conflict escalate.

A thorough understanding of Deprivations of Liberty, the Mental Capacity Act, Mental Health Act and Criminal Law Act are required in order to safely perform your role.


We are one of the few providers that explore how to rescue colleagues from grounded attacks or how to defend yourself from the ground or from your back.

We teach a range of techniques to disengage from unwanted contact, techniques range from gentle non-painful techniques to more complex techniques to respond to more complex risks.

We teach a range of accredited and medically reviewed techniques from standing, seated or supine positions.

We will tailor the scenarios to the types of challenges that the team face

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